Impermanence of life

This vast Universe is slated and moving to a bigger chaos and disorder/destruction until it ends up in total lifeless, zero energy, absolute frozen state. There's no future, no place for life prescribed in the story of the universe. There's no guaranteed space or survival for human reason in this ever collapsing scheme of the universe. All the reason, intellect as it exists now in the form of humans will be wiped out without leaving any trace, all the knowledge trashed into the dust, all the time and energy spent in discovering, collecting the precious knowledge would be wasted.
It is hard to believe that this would be the final outcome and before and after all, hard to accept it as the natural outcome of the evolution path or Creation. What's the purpose for knowledge harvesting and passing it on to the next generation if everything dies at the end unless there's some form of higher existence of reason/intelligence?
If there's not, this universe does not have a meaning at all which is totally opposite to the current human observation. Either, we're just a coincidence, a result of the biological chance and not favourable in the evolution path or we are just puppets in the theatre called universe used for experimentation, dare to say entertainment, but definitely something incomprehensible.
Or perhaps the universe in its cruelty is giving the humans, the intellect, an opportunity to decode the purpose of existence to save itself from the inevitable destruction. In other words, we are given a unique chance to unlock the mystery of our existence and seek out survival, passing the evolution test using all available resources at our disposal through observation, exploration and trials.
The other option we have is to spend life satisfying our primal instincts, pursuing hedonistic style of life, live a life in a moment until the Gone moment, live a life like ants not having the concept better say understanding of the ultimate purpose. All being said, life is cruel, full of suffering and filled with infinite Why's and few answers/Eureka moments.

Ottawa, October 2024.